Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Green Eggs

THE FACTS: Okay, so one day someone say a chicken drop this thing out of its butt and decided, "Okay, I am going to crack this thing...hmm something gooey. I know, I'll eat it." But why? Why would someone subject themself to such a heinous act? Not to say that I, myself, don't enjoy a good egg, but why would someone do this? Think about it...chicken butt+ gooey stuff= a delicious treat?

THE POINT: So I wanted my group of experts inspect this issue once again. And as a bonus, I have invited one of my good friends, The Farmer.


THE PROFESSOR: Eggs have been used for centuries. Anthropologists have recently found evidence that an ancient tribe in America, the Umbraaccabra enjoyed eggs around 34 AD. It preposterous that someone looked at a chicken's posterior and decided to indulge. It is most likely that people, through observation and thought have seen animals eating other animal's eggs and decided to imitate this action.

THE PREACHER: Eggs were given to us by the LORD. The LORD saw his people starving and he brought forth the eggs. The people were selfish with the eggs and the LORD punished them by making them come forth from the chicken. The LORD punishes those that are selfish with HIS blessings. The LORD wants those to rejoice in his eggs by not being selfish, but by making them to all. AMENNNNN.

THE EMO/GOTH: Eggs are one of the best things to come out of something's butt. Like the world they have an external shell that tries to be hard, but it cracks under the pressure. And what is left? The crappy goo of its soul.

THE REALIST: The egg really doesn't matter. What happens to the egg? It just everything dies.


ALL: Are you still talking?

THE HIPPIE: For years the mother hen has been oppressed by the man. We must all stand together, be free sister chicken, be free. Let your eggs hatch to new free!

THE CHILD: Mommy makes good eggs, my favorite is scrambled. Mommy makes the best, but Daddy's are good too.

THE FARMER: Well, Ma an' me owned chicken's for years an my Pappie own's 'em and his Pappie. An wes raise em up an eats them eggs and sometimes wes eats some of them chickens and Ma fries 'em up real good uh huh.

THE HIPPIE: Free the oppressed chickens! Free the oppressed!

ME: Alright, good talk, good talk. Thank you Farmer for your time and thank you again friends for joining us!

WHAT I THINK: Well, regardless of how eggs are viewed, I still think that they are good. Thanks for joining us again friends. Good Morrow.

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